Welcome to TrustBroker Africa

Services for Security and Incident Response Teams in Africa

Security and Incident Response teams including SOCs, PSIRTs, ISACs and certainly CSIRTs manage the handling of information security incidents as well as actionable information about vulnerabilities and threats within their organisation, product line or networks - their tasks broadly range from prevention and awareness-raising, via incident detection to the actual tracking and resolving of incidents and drawing lessons from that.

The TrustBroker Africa Service forms the trusted backbone of infrastructure services and serves as a clearinghouse for all security and incident response teams. It lists well known teams and accredits those teams according to their demonstrated support of the common goals and adherence to the established practices governing the TBA community. Vital member's only services enabling security and incident response teams to interact more efficiently and effectively with each other are available to all accredited teams.

Some of these services are made available to the public to further improve and facilitate the interactions of affected users and organisations with the "right" team. Most namely, TBA provides a full directory of contacts and other useful information about all listed and accredited teams once we conclude our first phase of connecting all interested parties and inviting them to join!

Becoming a listed team is a mandatory requirement and first step in order to become accredited and thereby getting access to the member's only services.

If you are interested in the TBA services or framework, or if you have a specific question regarding the cooperation and coordination of security and incident response teams in Africa and beyond, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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